Merge manifests for hybrid mod jar
See if this makes CI happy
Try this on CI
It seems to mistake the second arg as the wrong type, so split them up
Fix formatting
Switch to shadowJar as it's now miraculously working (75ab2d64 by Maddy Miller)
Merge pull request #2461 from EngineHub/feature/gradle-8.5-and-foojay
Gradle 8.5, Foojay, Plugin Updates (1d4733c1 by Octavia Togami)
Fix ellipsoid and cylinder regions not fully clearing (#2413) (496407b6 by danielhorn1)
Add a permission node for the placement command. Fixes #2409 (9587a7bd by Maddy Miller)
Short-circuit optimisation for AffineTransform inverse on identity matrices (3b7de002 by Maddy Miller)
Improve SnowSmooth Brush and add utests for GaussianKernel (#2407) (b7ed72b0 by github)
Fix flaw in GaussianKernel layout
The sum of the data should be close to one. The GaussianKernel creates the data based on the radius. This would sum up to one if it would be a perfect circle. (b7ed72b0 by github)
Fix snowsmooth brush for multiple iterations (b7ed72b0 by github)
Fix int overflow when using fillr in negative y-coordinates (#2082) (3627002e by dordsor21)
Add worldedit runtime environment to increase yaml alias limit (#2395)
This can be set by -Dworldedit.yaml.aliasLimit=XXX in the startup parameter (94565356 by github)
Improve support of not entirely compliant legacy schematics (bba73e55 by Maddy Miller)
Fix left click on air being ignored and right click on block being handled twice (#2153) (5b4322e5 by yeregorixcraft)
Fix left click on air being ignored and right click on block being handled twice (5b4322e5 by yeregorixcraft)
Factorize debouncing and cache event result (5b4322e5 by yeregorixcraft)
Fix ForgePlatform#server being always null (5b4322e5 by yeregorixcraft)
Update gradle plugins to attempt to improve build speeds
Appears this issue might be the main underlying cause,, which this doesn't address (8af61f1c by Maddy Miller)
Use a supplier to retain the lazy-load & dynamicness of the existing system, but still retaining the inversion of control that this PR was intended to provide (61363821 by Maddy Miller)
Improve ArbitraryShape caching (#2325) (6494dbc6 by tomylobo)
Improve ArbitraryShape caching
Every point is now only evaluated once. (6494dbc6 by tomylobo)
Defer cache initialization until it is clear that we need it. (6494dbc6 by tomylobo)
Defer pattern evaluation until cache miss (6494dbc6 by tomylobo)
Add regression tests to the `round` Expression function (bd9af40e by Maddy Miller)
Ensure non-Double types are boxed in expression function calls. Fixes #2315 (237ebc10 by Maddy Miller)
Add -Penginehub.obf.none=true gradle property to build mojmap worldedit-bukkit. (#2316)
This simply takes the -dev adapter jars instead of the obfuscated ones, creating otherwise the exact same worldedit-bukkit jar. This jar can be used on mojmap paper servers.
Closes #1929. (abc8c1f2 by wizjany)
Add new //placement types
- //placement min - selection min X/Y/Z
- //placement max - selection max X/Y/Z
- //placement world - absolute world location
- //placement here - This puts the placement position at the current player position. (4fc62d98 by tomylobo)
Add //placement, which sets either pos1 or player explicitly (d28fadb8 by tomylobo)
Refactor placement system to be more flexible (21a465b9 by tomylobo)
Add LocalSessionTest
Test coverage so far:
- setPlaceAtPos1
- isPlaceAtPos1
- togglePlacementPosition
- getPlacementPosition for both pos1 and player modes (6c14e839 by tomylobo)
Extract base test class for WorldEdit test cases (edb54345 by tomylobo)
Fix (#2292)
- Fixes an issue where the LinCompoundTag passed to ChunkStoreHelper::getChunk is not the expected root compound tag, but one that wraps it. See comment of LinRootEntry::toLinTag (df13de33 by 28742897+ykgamma)
Use an annotation to register the methods in the Functions class (#2305)
There's a lot less code now and it's also easier to add new methods. (34b19577 by tomylobo)
Update Forge for 1.19.4, and bump Fabric to final 1.19.4 release (16a2cc95 by Maddy Miller)
Update Fabric to 1.19.4-pre1
Update Fabric WorldEdit to 1.19.4-pre1
Update to 1.19.4-pre3
Update to 1.19.4-rc1
Update to RC2 (7481995e by Maddy Miller)
Add a feature generator and allow undoing of feature placement (#2239) (121b4b61 by Maddy Miller)
Add a feature generator and allow undoing of feature placement [WIP]
Apply changes to Forge as well
Use proper translatable components (121b4b61 by Maddy Miller)
Add a brush version of the feature command
Use Java proxy classes (121b4b61 by Maddy Miller)
Add for Bukkit (only 1.19.3 for now)
Clean up the proxies to use a switch
Checkstyle is grumpy
Add the obfuscated versions
Remove debug text
Fix missed "destroyBlock" deobfuscated proxy function (121b4b61 by Maddy Miller)
Merge pull request #2277 from EngineHub/expression-query-full-blockstate
Fix data values returned by the query functions in the expression language (e6c88280 by tomylobo)
Fix data values returned by the query functions in the expression language (b5b9c6ab by tomylobo)
Merge pull request #2253 from Brokkonaut/bukkit-custombiomes
Allow custom biomes in bukkit (ab79341a by Octavia Togami)
Allow custom biomes in bukkit (6bbcf746 by hannos17)
Merge pull request #2245 from cthbleachbit/master
EditSession.drawSpline: use vectors at block center for spline nodes (78848d5c by Octavia Togami)
EditSession.drawSpline: use vectors at block center for spline nodes
The spline generator was fed integral block node vectors, where center
of a block at coordinate (X,Y,Z) is actually in (X+0.5,Y+0.5,Z+0.5).
When generating a spline with (X,Y,Z)s, the curve sometimes doesn't go
through the intended block and may make weird turns at end of the curve.
Placing spline nodes at the center causes the curve to actually hit the
center of every block selected. (17ce47cd by cth451)
Only mark CLI clipboard world as dirty when the underlying calls return a success state (98611c2a by Maddy Miller)
Fix minor typo (034d7218 by untouchedodin0)
Add author to, and cleanup manifest files for various platforms (#2197) (470fe9e1 by Maddy Miller)
Fixed clipboards failing to paste when a block has NBT data (#2198) (0b6dcb1f by Maddy Miller)
Use SnakeYaml 1.32+, set loader code point limit. (#2194)
Defaults to 64MB, can be set via -Dworldedit.yaml.codePointLimit sysprop.
Fixes #2193, EngineHub/WorldGuard#1953. (0ef38b52 by wizjany)
Ignore structure void by default and use a flag to paste it (#2180) (4267fabd by Maddy Miller)
Add API to disable history tracking in EditSessions (#2189) (267bbb30 by Maddy Miller)
Merge pull request #2145 from EngineHub/feature/warning-the-following-commits-contain-deprecated-material
Clean up all deprecations in the codebase (0c3a4b88 by Octavia Togami)
Merge pull request #2141 from EngineHub/feature/coming-home-from-an-adventure
Replace adventure-nbt with our own lib (8e8235ce by Octavia Togami)
[Fabric] 1.19-pre1
- new TextComponent -> Component.literal
- Use sendSystemMessage instead of displayClientMessage(..., false)
- build -> buildUnoptimized/buildOptimized; I just returned the same
from both
- Create a LevelStem for regen world constructor
- Use RandomSource instead of Random
- Command text doesn't include the slash anymore (66e3c3cd by Octavia Togami)
Fix passenger entity saving and loading (#2058) (e715ccc3 by wizjany)
Fix incorrect saving and subsequent loading of passenger entities in vehicles.
Originally from
Co-authored-by: wizjany <> (e715ccc3 by wizjany)
Port to Fabric/Forge.
Rewrite in Sponge to use EntityArchetype.
Sponge is untested because WE doesn't properly build/run on it right now apparently? (e715ccc3 by wizjany)
NBT Constants.
Co-authored-by: Red_Epicness <> (e715ccc3 by wizjany)
Remove afterEvaluate to restore refmap
MixinGradle uses an afterEvaluate block to determine JAR registrations.
This runs before our reobf registration does, and I honestly don't
recall why this was in afterEvaluate and it doesn't appear to break
anything so I'm calling it good. (b4b018d6 by Octavia Togami)
Make some improvements to the Forge side - still not fixed (dd696172 by Maddy Miller)
Un-mixup the mixins.
This properly separates the forge and fabric mixins in the merged -mod jar.
By some miracle Forge was 'working' with the Fabric mixins, but this is probably safer overall. (b8d096ba by wizjany)