Be aware that this branch (version/7.2.x) is not the main branch (version/7.3.x)!

Branches other than the main one may be experimental. In addition, you should be using stable releases rather than these test builds.

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View last successful build
version/7.2.x#6668Tests passed: 200, ignored: 1
  • Back to SNAPSHOT for continued development (b490447f by mnmiller1)
5 months ago
version/7.2.x#6667Tests passed: 200, ignored: 15 months ago
version/7.2.x#6665Tests passed: 200, ignored: 1
  • Merge pull request #2476 from EngineHub/fix/forge-problems Fix a couple Forge issues (5511908b by octavia.togami)
  • Fix NPE caused by client-side CUI packets (495e5924 by octavia.togami)
  • Make mixins reobf properly in Forge (b2f55cfe by octavia.togami)
5 months ago
version/7.2.x#6662Tests passed: 200, ignored: 1
  • Merge pull request #2475 from EngineHub/feature/mod-to-rem Rename modulo to remainder (93aee512 by octavia.togami)
  • Rename modulo to remainder (2db12d7d by octavia.togami)
5 months ago
version/7.2.x#6659Tests passed: 200, ignored: 1
  • Merge pull request #2472 from EngineHub/fix/fabric-maven-publish Fix Artifactory interfering with Fabric publications (1acb9d63 by octavia.togami)
  • Fix Artifactory interfering with Fabric publications (f07254b5 by octavia.togami)
5 months ago
version/7.2.x#6656Tests passed: 200, ignored: 1
  • Slightly optimise and improve debugability of state creation code (#2469) (8c656bd5 by mnmiller1)
  • Slightly optimise and improve debugability of state creation code (8c656bd5 by mnmiller1)
  • Make 5s rather than 60, and add time taken to the output (8c656bd5 by mnmiller1)
5 months ago
version/7.2.x#6652Tests passed: 200, ignored: 1
  • Build against the latest Forge release, to attempt to fix some mixin crashes some people are experiencing (ed36e742 by mnmiller1)
5 months ago
version/7.2.x#6651Tests passed: 200, ignored: 1
    No new changes were added in this build.
6 months ago
version/7.2.x#6650Tests passed: 200, ignored: 1
    No new changes were added in this build.
6 months ago
version/7.2.x#6643Tests passed: 200, ignored: 1
  • Back to SNAPSHOT for continued development (73222bad by mnmiller1)
6 months ago